NIC Library Databases on Web

NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Library web pages provide links to the Library Databases and other INTERNET resources available free over INTERNET. The access of this site is restricted to NICNET users only.

Following databases of library are available for searching:-

1. BOOKS DATABASE (Bibliographic)- A database of BOOKS Collection developed using "-e-Granthalaya" software, contains more than 22000 bibliographic records

2. ARTICLES DATABASE (Bibliographic)- A database of Articles indexed from Journals         (e-Granthalaya), contains more than 200 bibliographic records

3. NEWSNIC   (Full-Text) - A web-enabled News Clippings Service (SQL Server Database) developed using "e-NewsNIC" software containing more than 22000 full news items from more than 18 national dailies.

4. CURRENT JOURNALS (Bibliographic) - A database of JOURNALS being subscribed in Library (e-Granthalaya), linked with their web sites through corresponding URL address.

5. DATAPRO REPORTS (FULL-TEXT)-State-of-the-art Reports in IT (SQL Server  and Reports in HTML), contain more than 25000 full-text reports.

6. SPECIAL ISSUES OF JOURNALS (Bibliographic) - A database of Special/Theme Issues published in Journals received in NIC Library (SQL Database), containing more than 2000 bibliographic records

7. JOURNALS HOLDINGS (e-Granthalaya) - containing details of volumes, issue, missiing issues, etc, total bibliographic records are appx. 6000

8. EDI DATABSE - A database of articles/reports published in "Economic Developments in India (SQL Server), containing bibliographic contents of vols.1-67

9. Various Online Digital libraries being subscribed and accessible over NICNET for NIC users